What if we started each day with powerful ‘Who I am in Christ’ daily affirmations? Can you imagine the impact that would have?! Many believe that the way you start your day influences how the rest of your day will go. That’s why motivational videos are so very popular. From moving graduation speeches to inspirational […]
9 Favorite Bible Verses About Gratitude
The season of Thanksgiving is such a beautiful time of year. Even those of us who live in countries that don’t have a holiday for Thanksgiving, we still take time to recognize the day, often with food and family fun. But when the turkey’s all finished and the sales have wrapped up, does our gratitude […]
3 Easy Ways to Seek God Daily Without Getting Overwhelmed
One of my goals this year is to seek God above and before everything else. That includes seeking God before Facebook, before the doubts and worries of the day set in, and before my own agenda. I aim to put Him first and be intentional about seeking God every day. I’m in awe that God […]
Why Any Day is a Good Time for a Fresh Start (and how to do it)
A new year, spring, and birthdays all seem to have a certain appeal for a fresh start. But do we have to wait until those milestone moments to start over? What if you feel the need to start afresh right now? Right when you’re in the middle of the mess. When life is a little […]
Here’s What’s Wrong with Your Quiet Time (and how to fix it)
Have you ever had a friend rave about their mountaintop experience with the Lord only to be left feeling like there’s something wrong with you? The new Christian at church is discovering amazing truths in God’s Word every day and you can’t seem to make it past Leviticus. Maybe you’re diligently showing up for your quiet […]