What if we started each day with powerful ‘Who I am in Christ’ daily affirmations? Can you imagine the impact that would have?! Many believe that the way you start your day influences how the rest of your day will go. That’s why motivational videos are so very popular. From moving graduation speeches to inspirational […]
Time Management Tools and Resources I Actually Use
While taking my students through my Time to Shine online course I promised to share some time management tools and tips with them. These are the tools, courses, books, and other resources that I find to be so very helpful in managing my time. Once I started putting together all of the details, I thought […]
Start with Good Intentions but Don’t Stop There
It is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I’m not sure about that but I can tell you if I had a dollar for all the times I had good intentions when starting a project, I’d be a rich woman. Now ask me about how good I’ve been about following […]
Get More Done with these 5 Time Management Strategies
If I could just get more done in a day. Do you find yourself saying that often, friend? It’s not just me, right? That’s why everywhere you turn there are time management tips, tricks and resources to help you get stuff done. It’s not enough to dream of the life we want. It’s not even […]
5 Ways to Make Today Count
Have you ever wondered how to make today count when life is moving at lightening speed? Perhaps you’re discouraged as you reflect on your year so far. Many lose track of their good intentions in the first quarter of the year, so by September we find ourselves in one of two camps. Either you’re waiting […]