As a Christian woman, I am keenly aware that my personal views, the truths recorded in the Bible and the mainstream views of our modern-day society, are often at odds. This is especially true when it comes to the topic of women versus men and whether or not to celebrate women.
The question in my mind is, how can we appropriately recognize and honour women without getting into a debate about whether women are better than or more superior to men?
Quite often the celebration of one gender is viewed as the degradation of another. So, it’s not surprising that in some minds, observances such as International Women’s Day comes across as putting down men. This is indeed an unfortunate way to think, or worse, act.
What is clear to me, is that we still have a long way to go on this journey of ‘gender equality’. In fact, a recently released study showed that “despite decades of progress closing the equality gap between men and women, close to 90 percent of men and women hold some sort of bias against women”.
The Gender Social Norms Index (GSNI) released by the UNDP on 5 March 2020, reveals that “while in some countries there have been improvements, in others, attitudes appear to have worsened in recent years, signaling that progress cannot be taken for granted”.
Observances such as National Women’s History month and International Women’s Day, can help in raising awareness and highlighting the areas where change is still needed.
But we don’t need to wait for a declaration or a special day to recognize women. We can (and dare I say, should) celebrate women in small, simple, yet significant ways that count.
Here are three not so traditional ways we celebrate women throughout the year.
Look to God’s Word
- Start by recognizing that women are worth celebrating
If you are a woman, I want you to know that you are special to God as much as anyone else. These key Bible verses are reminders of just how significant God thinks you are.
These truths apply to you and every other woman as well, regardless of status, color, or any other man-made construct that tries to divide us. God sees each and everyone of us as special and unique, worth celebrating. So, soak up these Scriptures and celebrate your unique, God-given design.
You have been made in God’s image – Genesis 1:27
When God made you he paid attention to every single detail.
You are God’s masterpiece – Ephesians 2:10
You are one-of-a-kind. There’s never been anyone else like you and there never will be. You have been created to do the ‘good works’ God carved out just for you.
You have been chosen – 1 Peter 2: 9
God has chosen you to declare his praises.
You have been called according to God’s purpose – Romans 8:28
God has a special purpose that only you can fulfill, so live your life and live it fully.
You are the apple of God’s eye – Psalm 17:8
God has a special place in his heart just for you.
You are loved – 1 John 3:1
God pours out his love on you and calls you his daughter. How amazing is that?
So, take some time to read those Bible verses and soak up God’s truth.
For the rest of the tips, head over to where I share how you can celebrate women every day without waiting for a special occasion to do so.
At the end of that post, you’ll also find a special invitation to join me in an online community I created just for women who want to thrive. It’s free and I’d love to have you.
Go ahead and click here to read the rest of the post.
Wishing you blessings!
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Note: This post first appeared on this site in 2016 and was updated for International Women’s Day 2021 in honour of women everywhere.
Barrie says
I love this. As a mom of two daughters, I will definitely share some of this wisdom with them!
sunSPARKLEshine says
Thank you, Barrie. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Blessings to you and your two girls!
Beth @ Pages and Margins says
Thanks for sharing with the LMM Link-up!
sunSPARKLEshine says
Thanks for stopping by from #LMMLinkup, Beth. I’ve been enjoying visiting over there and look forward to reading the great posts that I find.
Mrs. AOK says
This was lovely, I love your encouraging spirit. We should all encourage one another to be happy and strong women.
sunSPARKLEshine says
Thank you so much! Let’s make that our goal: to encourage and build one another up.
Ruthie Gray says
Hey friend! I’ve been wanting to read this post all week – finally made it over! Great thoughts on how to encourage other women in Christ and also to be aware of those hurting, and ways to seek to help. I’m terrible at sending cards but I’ve made a point to be more encouraging with that in 2016! Thanks for hopping over to Tuesday Talk each week – I appreciate you!
sunSPARKLEshine says
Hey Ruthie, thanks for taking the time to stop by my friend. One of the great ways that you encourage women is through your prayers. I am completely humbled by the love and attention you’ve shown to your Mom Time Out community and your diligence in praying for each and every one of them — including me! Your example inspires me and I pray that God will continue to bless you and your ministry. Hugs!!!
Dawn says
This is a topic that I am drawn to study more and more, how to encourage and love on women. We are the most self-destructive people, sometimes, and I really think that if we took this view of celebrating one another it would be amazing. Sometimes we get stuck in a trap that gets us nowhere, but you are suggesting grace and hope and love and living it out together. I like that.
sunSPARKLEshine says
I’m glad it connected with you, Dawn. Please stay in touch and let me know where your interest leads you.
I’m a big believer in doing life together and it’s unfortunate the bad rap female relationships get sometimes. We can each do our part to turn that around.
Blessings to you and wishes for a lovely weekend!
Deborah says
Marva, Thank you for this beautiful reminder. I love it! Particularly #2 — Be a Friend! It’s so easy for us to get distracted and busy and forget to take the few moments it requires to encourage someone. But oh how very important those simple acts are.
sunSPARKLEshine says
Deborah, I agree. We can quickly get caught up in our own lives and forget to encourage someone else. But when we give we also receive.
Thanks for stopping by!
Michelle says
Do you know how much I love this. In a society that enjoys tearing women apart, even other women do it to one another, this breathes refreshment into our souls. Thanks for sharing this wonderful and inspiring post at Party at My Place today. I love having you each week.
sunSPARKLEshine says
Oh, Michelle, you’re such a gracious and encouraging host. I’m glad you appreciated the post and found it a good fit for your audience. I’ve enjoyed spending time hanging out with you and I’m happy to be a part of your Party At My place community.
Kelsey Ferguson says
This is great, Marva! I love that it’s something that everyone of us can do, no matter our limitations! Have you read Half the Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity For Women Worldwide? It’s hard to read in places because of the realities for many women, but it is incredibly eye-opening.
Thanks for sharing your heart with us! 🙂
sunSPARKLEshine says
Hey Kelsey, it’s so nice of you to stop by and leave some sparkle. I haven’t heard about thag book before so thanks for recommending it. We have so much to be grateful for and I suspect books like that one helps us to keep things in perspective.
I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!
Ivanna says
You get right down to it in this post! I think I’ll send a few encouraging emails right now. Thank you for inspiring me.
sunSPARKLEshine says
I’m so glad it inspired you, Ivanna. I’m sure your friends will love hearing from you.
Be blessed!
Gayl Wright says
Such a great post reminding us of our worth in Christ! Blessings to you, Marva! Thank you for sharing your lovely thoughts!
sunSPARKLEshine says
I’m glad you liked it, Gayl. Thanks for stopping by and sharing some sparkle.
Wishing you a beautiful week!
Betsy says
What a beautiful post, friend. Precious truth here, and a way to make a difference for Christ! Pinning and tweeting today! Happy Women’s Day!
sunSPARKLEshine says
Thank you, dear Betsy. I hope and pray that others will be inspired to ‘spur one another on’. We need all the encouragement and support we can get!
Thank you for being the encouraging friend that you are.
Andrea says
I love this so much. I was excited to learn that today is International Women’s Day! Your advice and ideas are wonderfully received. Thank you for bringing attention to WOMEN!
sunSPARKLEshine says
Thanks so much, Andrea. I’m glad that you were ‘enlightened’ and found it useful. 🙂
Lori Schumaker says
Amen, Amen, and Amen! Marva, God was in your fingers and whispering in your heart as you typed those words. Three truly simple endeavors that are unbelievably powerful and can change so many lives!
Blessings and smiles,
sunSPARKLEshine says
Thank you for those kind words, Lori. See, you’re encouraging me right now! 🙂
This one was on my heart and I’m grateful that God used me to write these words that I hope are now encouraging others.
Melanie Redd says
Women encouraging other women! What a fabulous concept!
Love this post, Marva!
Sharing it all over today!
sunSPARKLEshine says
That’s right, Melanie! We’ve gotta cheer each other on. I know you’re so good at doing that and I’m learning so much from you.
Thanks for being the awesome woman that you are!
Deb Wolf says
Beautiful, Marva! This has turned into such a difficult debate and you have presented it so gracefully. Thanks for pointing us faithfully to the truth of God’s Word. Blessings my friend!
sunSPARKLEshine says
Thanks so much, Deb. I admit that I struggled a bit trying to find the best way to communicate a godly perspective. Our beliefs are often counter-culture — all the more reason to find hope in God’s truth.
Julie Jo Severson says
Beautiful and important message here. You and I have similar threads running through our posts today–that one of each of us having a special purpose here, something we’re meant to do that no one else is. I love how you honor all women here and encouraging such empathy.
sunSPARKLEshine says
So glad our paths crossed, Julie. There’s something special about finding and embracing our God-given purpose. I’m glad that you’ve been seeing progress and finding your own way.