I listened intently, scribbling notes as quickly as I could. After all, this was a topic that was dear to my heart and I wanted to soak up all the little nuggets of wisdom from this expert. He’s written several bestselling books, coached thousands and mentored just as many. Thought to be the world’s leading […]
How to Find Your Missing Piece
If someone asked you what’s your missing piece what would you say? Think for a moment about what prevents you from achieving your God-given purpose. You are on the path but something’s holding you back. When this one piece of the puzzle is solved, you can get back on the right track. That’s your missing […]
3 Truths to Embrace on Your Path to Purpose
Have you been following God but feeling like something’s missing? Are you on your path to purpose but struggle to accept that God is enough? Welcome to my world. Earlier this year, I claimed the word enough as my #OneWord for the year. It felt exciting and a bit intimidating at the same time. Quite frankly, it scared […]
In Pursuit of Your One Thing
Life can be busy sometimes. For most of us, life is crazy-busy all . the . time! Let’s be honest, right? There’s hardly enough time to slow down and focus on finding your purpose. Let alone live it. It can all seem too big. And big requires time and energy. Two things that I have […]
How to Spot the Real Deal from the Counterfeit Life
Ask five women what success means to them and you’ll probably get seven different answers. After all, we women reserve the right to change our minds, right? 🙂 I bet though, that they’ll have this one thing in common — the belief that women can have a successful life by being and doing anything they want. […]