How often do we start something with lots of excitement only to have it fizzle? Oftentimes we continue going through the motions but the zeal we had at first just isn’t there. It might have been a relationship, a New Year’s resolution (ahem…), a good book, a new diet, an exercise routine. Yep, all left […]
When You Need a New Spark Every Day
Let’s face it. A new year doesn’t stay new for very long. So the question is how do we keep the spark of hope burning beyond the first month? In many ways, 2016 was a fabulous year. Yet, when I look back I see that by mid-year, the spark that I had at the beginning […]
Why Looking Back is the Best Thing to Help you Move Ahead
Have you already jumped headfirst into the New Year? Not so fast. There’s merit in taking time to pause and consider the lessons from the previous year. I know many will tell you that it’s more important to forge ahead. No, I haven’t forgotten Lot’s wife but I also know that there are nuggets of wisdom waiting […]
How to Make Sticky Goals (and forget about New Year’s Resolutions)
If you’ve been visiting a while, you know that I’m done with New Year’s resolutions but I love setting goals. A conundrum, you think? Not necessarily. I’ve found a much more effective way to approach my New Year that I believe will work for you too.
An Intimate Portrait of the God Who Pursues You
When we hear the word pursue, we sometimes think of it only in romantic terms, such as a man pursuing the woman he wants to marry (or vice versa) :-). But what about God? Does God pursue us? And if so, how does he do that? What does God’s pursuit of us look like?