Tears welled up in my eyes for no good reason.
As I stood before the Immigration Officer I knew I needed to hold it together.
I was turned back in the line because I stepped up before I was called. A simple thing really.
But in that moment it was just too much.
I felt a wave of emotion crash over me all at once.
The grief of the last few months seemed to crush me in that moment.
Now sitting at her dining table I felt safe and welcomed. Quite a contrast to what I experienced just hours before.
She offered a nod of understanding when I told her about the incident. Because she knew the long journey it took to get here.
It wasn’t about the trip on the ferry or the two plane rides that followed. This journey was one of healing from the pain of a deep and sudden loss.
But here I found a safe place where I was understood, loved and comforted.
As the others joined us, the tears flowed and the healing continued.
We laughed lots but probably cried more.
Tears of laughter, tears of joy, and oh yes, tears of pain.
In this circle of true friends we had each other’s backs.
And it didn’t matter that for most of us, we were meeting for the first time.
We felt safe to acknowledge the burdens that weighed us down. And as we prayed together we each found courage to lay them at the foot of the cross.
This is the beauty of community.
On the surface you might not see our bond. We look different, sound different and have very different life experiences. And if you can believe it, we even differ in theological beliefs.
In spite of everything else, we’re bonded at the heart. Thanks to Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross and our individual acceptance of His love, we are sisters.
The weekend we shared together cemented this bond even more.
Our host, Lori, wrote about our time together in her Moments of Hope. There we each shared our thoughts and takeaways from our Higher Ground retreat.
And we’re dreaming about what God has laid on our hearts for other women. A place where women can be true friends without the lure of competition and the sting of insecurity.
Would you join us in praying about our dream? You can read more about it here.
How about you?
Where have you sensed God showing up in your friendships?
Do you have friends who are helping to heal the deep wounds in your heart?
How can we explore what it means to be true friends with other women?
Wishing you blessings,
If you enjoyed reading this, please spread the shine and share this with your friends using the share buttons below.
And if you’re looking for more encouraging and inspiring content, check out these amazing sites where I link up my weekly posts.
Are you seeking deeper friendships?
Then take a look at the book, Help I Need Some Friends (affiliate link) written by two of my friends Alison Tiemeyer and Melanie Redd.
There you will find ideas for connecting on a deeper level. I pray it will bless you.
Adam Paul says
I feel that it is a great and amazing blog post and this content of this post is very inspiring and motivating. So thanks for sharing it with us.
Lori Schumaker says
You are my heart sister ♥ Love you to the moon and back, Marva! I’m so honored to be on a mission to help women lay down competition and comparison so they can breathe love and hope AND HEALING into one another ♥
Yvonne Chase says
I look forward to what you ladies have in store. Friendships with women have been a thorn in my side because unfortunately, many feel the need to compete and compare.
Looking forward to the day when I can have supportive, loving and genuine friendships with at least one woman.
God bless you!
Betsy de Cruz says
I loved reading this, Marva. (Sad about your interaction at passport control!) It made me so happy to see everyone’s photos on Instagram. Can’t wait to see more about friendship in the future. Praying God’s grace and blessing on this vision, right now! 🙂
Sarah Geringer says
Marva, I recognize most of the bloggers in your photos. I’ve also gotten to know Lori online, and she’s a sweetheart. The photo of the two of you is beautiful. So glad to hear God blessed you ladies at the gathering.
Ruth @ plantedbylivingwater says
I’m so glad that you all were able to meet and find the amazingly wonderful bond of God’s love that unites us through His Spirit. Those are such special times! And that bond of love is not bound by location; it stretches across the miles. 🙂
Donna Reidland says
Marva, beautiful words! You’ve echoed some of my heart’s cry. I live in the desert Southwest and yearn to find a fellow blogger in my area, but it seems to be a blogging desert, too!
Joanne Viola says
Marva, I love the sweetness of your heart that your words reveal. It is beautiful when God’s people can encourage and be bonded, even when we may be different. It is the best way for us all to become more like Him. Blessings!
Horace Williams Jr says
Hello sweet friend. I love the heart you share in this post. Glad you persevered on your trip in spite of the obstacles. I thought some of the ladies in your photo looked familiar:) I’m sure it was a blessing for you all to get together to love and pray with one another. As Christians, God wants us to come alongside to fill in the gaps when needed. Thank you so much for your help and encouragement. I am inspired to read that you ladies were blessed on your retreat. I look forward to reading what praying your dream is all about. Have a wonderful weekend and may God continue to bless you and yours in all your endeavors.
Diana says
True friendships can heal us because God is in the midst right there. I am so glad to hear you were able to share your laughter and sorrows with the wonderful ,God fearing friends.
I am in a season of life with no friends at all. It is the season of mothering little ones for me ,but I can most definitely picture you as my virtual friend,Marva😊
Diana – (http://dianasdiaries.com)
Theresa Boedeker says
What a difference a listening ear and some compassion makes in our hearts and life. We bloom with it. Grow deep roots and bond. This piece is a story of beginning friendships and sisterly love. Thanks for sharing. May we all have more compassionate hearts and listening ears.
Lynn Simpson says
Marva, I feel for you for that moment with the Immigration officer! When feeling emotionally fragile, those moments can knock us. I so have been there! Happy that God led you to others who could share in your grief, and it is amazing how God can bring people of different faith together for His purpose! Just today I was asked who I could thank in appreciation for who they are in my life and three sister in Christ came to mind who I love talking to about God. They bring me closer to Christ. I look forward to reading about your retreat project!
Deb Wolf says
Oh, sweet sister, you described our weekend perfectly! It was a precious taste of heaven as we enjoyed the uniting bond of Jesus’ grace and love. Cleansing tears and invigorating laughter . . . I’m still cherishing every moment. I can’t wait to share this next year and bring more women into this safe space we share. Love you bunches!
Carlie says
Marv, such a beautiful picture of you and Lori. I’m so glad you got this special time with your friends. To God be the glory!
Marva | Sun Sparkle Shine says
Thanks, Carlie! I’m so happy that we did this and I’m moved by how God really met our needs through this time. It was amazing!!!
Valerie Murray says
Such a great description of our time together and what true community looks like. I miss you already. Thank you for traveling so far! Your friendship is such a blessing to me.
Marva | Sun Sparkle Shine says
The long trip was so worth it, Valerie. I’d do it again in a heartbeat! I’m soooooo beyond the moon happy that we got to connect on a heart level. Love you so much!!!
Deanna says
Looks like you all had a great time! Makes me hopeful the Lord will bring me some new friends at this stage of my life. My closest friends moved far away after graduation, two passed away and since having children my newer connections always seem to be fleeting with a few years expiration date. I am working on opening up more to connect with others. Thanks for sharing.
Lillian Stevens says
How beautiful that you were able to get together and love on one another! Wonderful!
Marva | Sun Sparkle Shine says
Lillian, it was such an amazing time. I’m still trying to gather all the little nuggets and treasure how special our time together was. Perhaps one day I’ll get to meet you in person too! That’d be so fun!